Jacob was a dedicated husband, father, son and loving family member. Just shy of his 34th birthday when SJPD officer Mike Pina took our Jacob away, leaving behind his three young children and a huge circle of family and friends that looked up to him as a leader. He was the glue to our family. Jacob was loving and respectful with a heart of gold - he'd give his shirt of his back to anyone in need.
Immediately after he was killed, SJPD & city of San Jose tried to dehumanize Jacob but we will not allow this. As his family, we will continue to fight for justice and uplift the Jacob we knew and loved. He is missed tremendously.
Jacob's documentary showed who Jacob was at the time of his death: a committed family man who'd changed his life around, despite his difficult background growing up.

Since Jacob's killing on September 15, 2017 our family is dedicated to fighting for justice and uplifting his name. Along with our other impacted families at De-Bug we hold vigils and actions for our loved ones every year to honor their lives and keep their memory alive.